We have been receiving repeat orders mainly from home appliance manufacturers and e-commerce companies. Our track record includes manuals for industrial machinery as well as consumer products.
HTML manuals can be viewed directly on browsers such as Internet Explorer, where videos and other multimedia contents can also be viewed, which is not possible with paper-based manuals. These are suitable for various types of manuals including user’s manuals, service manuals and maintenance manuals. By using CMS (contents management system), you can make adjustments and revisions to some extent by yourself, which contributes to cost-saving and speed.
TECS receives many requests from precision equipment manufacturers and has a proven track records of creating 3D CG and animations. By rendering the actual motion in animation, the complex structure and motions inside the product can be intuitively understood.
The internal motions can also be displayed and visually understood, which can lead to drastic reduction in cost that would have been required for learning and training. Especially, complex operations and motions that are hard to describe in words can be understood at a glance. The internal motions can also be displayed and visually understood, which can lead to drastic reduction in cost that would have been required for learning and training. Furthermore, videos can be used more effectively by embedding them in your web site or combining them in PowerPoint manuals.