Creation of Instruction Manuals

An instruction manual is an essential tool for guiding first-time end users through the functions that come with the product.

Therefore, each step must be explained carefully to allow even the first-time users to correctly operate the product. The goals for these types of explanations are approachability and ease of understanding.

On the other hand, the text included in instruction manuals should also be targeted at users who have a high degree of specialized knowledge.

At TECS, we use our vast accumulated knowledge and experience to create manuals with explanations that are easy to understand for users.

Furthermore, we use illustrations and diagrams to make the contents even more understandable and enriching.

Sample work

Also, our Automatic Multi-language DTP Service achieves localization into multiple languages in a shorter time and with lower cost than conventional work flows.

Automatic Multi-language DTP Service

Mattress instruction manual
Mixer instruction manual
Home bakery instruction manual

Getting rid of ambiguity

When it comes to manual making, ambiguity may lead to accidents. Manual writing requires absolute clarity that allows no room for misunderstanding.

Aiming for the utmost level of understanding

Even a slight inconsistency of word usage may cause the users to stumble, and hinder full understanding. TECS pays utmost attention to details including the use of precise words, logical structure, and overall consistency.

Appropriate safety precautions

The PL (product liability) Act stipulates that if the instruction manual does not clearly state precautions for matters that may lead to danger, it is considered as a defect of the product (defect with respect to instructions and warnings). TECS makes sure to clearly state all the necessary precautions for the users to use the product safely.

Content compliant to various safety standards

TECS creates manuals in compliance with the SG standard, Household Goods Quality Labeling Act, and/or IEC82079-1 according to the nature of the product.