About TECS

Business Concepts ― TECS Synergic Power

TECS means Technical Communication Strategies.

TECS was established in 1984 as communication tool company that specialized in technical information.

TECS has evolved as an outsourcing company that produces a wide variety of product and technical information. As technical innovations develop with escalating speed and product life cycles decrease dramatically, TECS has challenged itself to handle increasingly sophisticated and diversified requests.

In order to meet demands from clients in a fast and precise manner, TECS has developed new services to expand the menu of offerings for our clientele.

Three departments work on the document production together for a synergetic effect.

The Technical Document Division is filled with vast knowledge about cutting-edge technical information. The Localization Division handles copy editing and detailed translations (localization). The Creative Division expresses intricate technical information in a precise and understandable manner.

These three different groups work together for maximum synergy.


Service Concepts

TECS provides optimal documentation services.

The technical writers and creators at TECS with a deep understanding of the latest technologies work together to provide the optimum solutions for communicating information in the constantly evolving field of advanced technology.

TECS works as a solution-finding company to improve user satisfaction and strengthens brand name power for clients. Through consistent support from creation until delivery and distribution, TECS provides a system that creates documentation built up from layers of developmental improvements over a wide variety of media (internet, portable media, and printed media). (TECS considers creative artwork included in catalogs and other media as one of the crucial elements of documentation.)

TECS aims to provide maximum customer satisfaction through the expansion of communication tools and to establish positive circular relations through developments with client companies.
