
Video Creation

TECS creates product introduction videos for exhibitions, corporate guide videos, tutorial videos, and more.

These videos can serve as powerful tools at exhibition booths, presentation sites, and training classrooms. These tools can be created in any language to be used worldwide.

Using videos for product descriptions provides you with solid advantages, including the ability to better describe complicated processes through actual footage, or the ability to explain complex functions or technologies that could be difficult to explain through words alone. Seeing is believing.

This is especially useful for salespersons to make effective and convincing presentations because it can depict the details of small parts in a manner that’s easy to see, and complex operations in a clear sequence using a video, allowing the users to fully understand the product.

The videos are created using normal video recordings combined with synthesized images created by our designers. This allows for the creation of videos that can meet all different types of applications including web pages and catalogs, while greatly reducing the production costs.